What is an ActionScript ?

The power behind XenoGuard automation is ActionScripts.

ActionScript: Your Workflow, Self-Running

  • You need to finish your project but scared to miss a bug, a weak point, a gap?
  • You want to focus on developing your product and not on running the same workflow a thousand times?
  • You dreamed of creativity but instead got a stupefying, repetitious task? 

In XenoGuard, you find a reliable tool. At the core of its automation technology are ActionScripts: compilations of ActionSteps that can emulate and run automatically every imaginable workflow in the tech industry. 

Why It Is Easy to Work With ActionScripts

ActionScripts are made of ActionSteps that everyone can understand. By building an ActionScript, you can play around with ActionSteps and assemble any workflow.

Inside an ActionScript, you can add dependencies, branches, conditions. You can re-use your building blocks, move them between workflows, and enter data using one central input mask.

What to Automate

Serious? You can automate everything! The most common workflows we learned from our customers and implemented in XenoGuard:

  • Windows automation
  • File handling (copy, move, delete, synchronize, backup, FTP)
  • Working with Excel and databases

With XenoGuard, you get a desktop alternative of a SaaS automation platform. Use it offline or behind your corporate firewall without any risk of data breaches. Perfect for companies that are subject to the strictest compliance requirements!

Automated Tests for Professionals

For software vendors, device manufacturers, web development agencies, and SaaS providers, XenoGuard is a must-have testing automation tool. It helps to identify bugs in the graphical user interface and main workflows integrated into your product. 

XenoGuard can be used with any testing automation framework. Read more about it in our documentation.

Remote Control

Did you know that you do not have to pay for expensive IoT toys to control your devices or applications remotely? You can do the same thing with XenoGuard. It is way simpler than the majority of IoT protocols and platforms. The functionality is reduced to the least sufficient minimum to democratize automation and make it doable for everyone. 

Create and schedule an ActionScript that will access and initiate workflows on a remote machine, for your convenience, from everywhere.

Visit our pricing page to select your subscription plan!