XenoGuard 4.0 Documentation

ActionScript Cancel

ActionStep Reference » Programming » Script » ActionScript Cancel 

The ActionStep Cancel aborts the execution of an ActionScript that was previously started asynchronously in the workspace.

[-] Hide
  1. Open the Programming node in the Workspace Explorer.
  2. Open the ActionScript node, select the Cancel ActionStep.


The ActionStep has the following input parameters:

name Description
The reference to the ActionStep that started the ActionScript asynchronously before.

Allowed Context Scope

Example 1 (Terminate an asynchronous script based on a condition):

In this example, the master ActionScript starts a child ActionScript asynchronously that reads the contents of a specified directory in the C:\ drive and displays the Result in Message Box. If it takes more than 10 seconds to read all contents, the child ActionScript is canceled and a text message is displayed in Message Box in the Then branch, otherwise the ActionStep in the Else branch is performed. 

The master ActionScript:

This is the child ActionScript that will be called by the master ActionScript:

See other ActionScript operations:

Write Error
Write Result
Append Result