XenoGuard Documentation

Get Information

ActionStep Reference » Windows » Operating System » Process » Get Information 

The ActionStep Get Information collects the details about a specified process.

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  1. Open the Windows node in the Workspace Explorer.
  2. Open the Operating System node.
  3. In the Process node, select the Get Information ActionStep.


The ActionStep has the following input parameters:

name Description
Search Type
Determines the search type.

Allowed values: Process Id, Process Name, Process Title

Allowed Context Scopes [Fixed, Local, Global]
Allowed Context Types [Variable, Parameter, Enum]
Search Entry
The item to search for.

Allowed Context Scopes [Fixed, Local, Global]
Allowed Values [Variable, Parameter, Enum]
Allow Empty Title
Determines whether a valid window title must be set.

Allowed Context Scopes [Fixed, Local, Global]
Allowed Value [Boolean]


The ActionStep returns the following results:

Process Count
The total number of found processes.

Allowed Context Scope [Fixed]
Allowed Context Types [Variable, Parameter]
Process List
The list of found processes.

Parameters for the "Process List" sub-branch:

  • Process Id - the process identifier of the program
  • Path Name - the path name of the executing program
  • Windows Title - the window title of the main window or an empty string
  • Start Time - the date/time of the program start
  • Run Time [min] - the total number of minutes the program is being executed
  • Private Memory [MByte] - the private memory used by the program
  • Working Set Memory [MByte] - the working set memory used by the program
  • CPU [%] - the used processor time in percent by the program
  • Threads - the number of threads used by the program
  • Handles - the number of window handles used by the program
  • Relative Change
    • Private Memory [MByte] - the change in the private memory
    • Working Set Memory [MByte] - the change in the working set memory 
    • Threads - the change in the number of threads
    • Handles - the change in the number of handles
Allowed Context Scopes [Fixed, Local, Global]
Allowed Context Types [Variable, Parameter]

Example 1 (Display number of running applications):

This example creates a local variable named Application with Text as data type. The value of the variable is then passed as a process name to be searched from the running processes. The result of the Process Count is then displayed via Message Box.

See other OS Process operations:

Set Position Size