XenoGuard Documentation

Identifier Enum

ActionStep Reference » Programming » Identifier » Identifier Enum

The Define Enum ActionStep creates a set of key-value pairs, each consisting solely of text values. The primary advantage of using Enums is their role as placeholders within an ActionScript. Rather than using hard-coded text values scattered throughout the script, you work with the Enum key, which stands in for the actual text value. This method centralizes value management, enabling you to update a value in just one place within the enumeration if changes are needed. Enums can be defined in a Local Context for use within a single ActionScript or in a Global Context, making them accessible across multiple ActionScripts.

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  1. Open the Programming node in the Workspace Explorer.
  2. Open the Identifier node, select the Enum ActionStep.


The ActionStep has the following input parameters:

name Description
Defines the range of validity of the variable.

Allowed Context Scopes
 [Local, Global]
The name of the Enum.
Read Only
Specifies whether the key and value pairs can be changed or not.
Data Type
The data type of the Result.

Allowed Context Scopes [Fixed]
Possible Values [Text]
The value of the enum.

Parameters for the "Enum Item" sub-branch:

  • Key - the key of the enum item
  • Value - the value of the enum item

Information The Enum Key cannot be empty and should be unique.

Example 1 (Display the days of the week):

This example creates a local enum named Days of the Week with Text as data type. The key and value pairs are then iterated and displayed in Write Text

Example 2 (Import enum list from a text file):

This example creates a local variable and a local enum, named Project 1 and Project Status respectively, both with Text as their data type. The key-value pairs for the Enum are then imported from a text file. Subsequently, the key-value pairs of the Enum are iterated through and compared with the value of the variable. If a match is found between both values, the iteration stops, and the corresponding value of the Enum is displayed in a Message Box.

This is the text file imported by the Enum list:

Information The text file should have two columns for the key-value pair that is separated by any of the following characters: semicolon, comma, colon, or tabulator.

See other Identifier operations:

Set Identifier