XenoGuard Documentation

First Start

To start XenoGuard, double-click the program icon on your desktop. Please be aware that you might need to activate the program first.

Upon launching, the dialog window for workspace selection will open.

In XenoGuard, a workspace is defined as a cohesive project containing all ActionScripts, settings, and logs. On the hard drive, the workspace occupies a single directory, with all other data stored in its subdirectories.

When you start the program for the first time, the sample workspace is opened by default, which is indicated by the second checkbox in the middle being activated.

Example Workspace

If you are new to XenoGuard and want to familiarize yourself with it, we recommend starting with the sample workspace installed with the program. It contains numerous examples for you to explore and use as templates. The following table provides an overview of the most significant ActionScripts in the example workspace:

ActionScript Name Description
Play Kraftwerk Random Sound.xen Plays a random sound from Kraftwerk.
Play Music Sequence.xen Executes a sequence of music tracks.
Play Tibetan Monks Random Sound Loop.xen Plays a random sound loop of Tibetan monks.
Play Voices EN.xen Plays various English language voice tracks.
Play Windows Media Files Randomly.xen Randomly plays Windows media files.
Backup.xen Performs a backup operation.
Random Content.xen Generates random content.
Build C# Example With Checkout.xen Builds a C# example with checkout process.
Build C# Example.xen Builds a C# example project.
Build Solution.xen Builds a software solution.
Find MSBuild Helper.xen Locates MSBuild Helper utility.
Find MSBuild.xen Finds MSBuild in the system.
TCP Client Server Data Transfer.xen Facilitates data transfer between TCP client and server.
TCP Client Server File Transfer.xen Enables file transfer between TCP client and server.
XenoGuard Server Receive Files.xen Server-side script for receiving files in XenoGuard.
XenoGuard Client Send Files.xen Client-side script for sending files in XenoGuard.
XenoGuard Server Receive Persons.xen Server-side script for receiving person data in XenoGuard.
XenoGuard Client Send Persons 01.xen First variant of client-side script for sending person data.
XenoGuard Client Send Persons 02.xen Second variant of client-side script for sending person data.
Delete Recordsets.xen Script for deleting recordsets in a database.
Factorial Of Number.xen Calculates the factorial of a given number.
netsh get interfaces.xen Retrieves network interface information using netsh.
Copy Media Files.xen Copies media files to a specified location.
Import Excel File.xen Imports data from an Excel file.
Select Recordsets.xen Selects recordsets from a database.
Delete Recordsets.xen Deletes selected recordsets from a database.
Single Step Mode.xen Executes scripts in single step mode for debugging.
Wait.xen Pauses the script execution for a set duration.
Get Country Code.xen Retrieves country code information.
Get Sheet Information.xen Gathers information from an Excel sheet.
List Of Random Persons.xen Generates a list of random person data.
FTP Auto Upload.xen Automates file uploading to an FTP server.
FTP Download Test.xen Tests downloading files from an FTP server.
OpenAI Key Definition.xen Defines the key for OpenAI services.
Test Create Test Data.xen Uses OpenAI and creates test data for experimentation.
Collect Addresses Germany Bavaria.xen Uses OpenAI and collects addresses from Bavaria, Germany.
Text Classify And Response.xen Uses OpenaI and classifies text and generates responses.
Text Extraction.xen Uses OpenAI and extracts text from given sources.
Transcribe English Text.xen Uses OpenAI and transcribes English text.
Translate Spoken German Text To English.xen Uses OpenAI and translates spoken German text to English.
Create Image.xen Uses OpenAI and generates images based on specified parameters.
Pack Media Files To Desktop.xen Packs media files to the desktop.
Pack Workspace Files.xen Packs workspace files for easy transfer.
Unpack Workspace Files.xen Unpacks workspace files into a specified location.
Hue Check Sensor Battery State.xen Checks the battery state of Hue sensors.
Hue Motion Detection.xen Detects motion using Hue sensors.
Hue Switch All Lamps Off.xen Switches off all Hue lamps.
Hue Switch All Lamps On With Red Color.xen Switches on all Hue lamps with red color.
Country Information Lookup.xen REST: Looks up information for a specific country.
Crypto Coin To Currency Exchanger.xen REST: Converts cryptocurrency to a fiat currency.
Currency Exchange.xen REST: Facilitates currency exchange operations.
Domain Availability Checker.xen REST: Checks the availability of a domain name.
Weather Forecaster.xen REST: Provides weather forecasts.
IP Who Is.xen REST: Retrieves IP address information.
Commodities Latest Price.xen REST: Provides the latest prices for commodities.
Text Search Result Scraping.xen REST: Scrapes search results for specific text.
Image Search Result Scraping.xen REST: Scrapes search results for specific images.
SMS Server Down Notifier.xen REST: Sends SMS notifications for server downtimes.
Grammar Checker.xen REST: Checks grammar in given text.
Geo Localization IP List.xen REST: Performs geolocalization for a list of IP addresses.
Scheduler_Trigger_Failed.xen Scheduler: Triggers events based on failed conditions.
Scheduler_Trigger_Passed.xen Scheduler: Triggers events based on passed conditions.
Windows Program Files Hash List.xen Generates a hash list of Windows program files.
Abort Execution On Error.xen Aborts script execution upon encountering an error.
Check Dpi Settings.xen Checks and adjusts DPI settings.
Create Public Desktop Folder.xen Creates a public desktop folder.
Automate User Interface.xen Automates user interface interactions.
Automate XenoGuard.xen Automates the user interface of XenoGuard.

Later in this guide, you will learn how to create your own workspaces and understand how XenoGuard organizes files within them.

User Interface