XenoGuard 4.0 Documentation

To Number

ActionStep Reference » Programming » String Operation » Conversion » To Number 

The ActionStep To Number converts a string number value to a signed or unsigned number and stores the converted string in Result of the result list. 

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  1. Open the Programming node in the Workspace Explorer.
  2. Open the String Operation node.
  3. In the Conversion node, select the To Number ActionStep.


The ActionStep has the following input parameters:

name Description
Source String The string to be converted to a number.

Allowed Context Scopes [Fixed, Local, Global]
Allowed Context Types [Variable, Parameter, Enum]
Allowed Values [Signed Number, Unsigned Number]
Start Index
The starting point for the string.

Allowed Context Scopes [Fixed, Local, Global]
Allowed Context Types [Variable, Parameter, Enum]
Index Offset The position of the string to be displaced.

Allowed Context Scopes [Fixed, Local, Global]
Allowed Context Types [Variable, Parameter, Enum]
Remove Length The length of character(s) to be removed.

Allowed Context Scopes [Fixed, Local, Global]
Allowed Context Types [Variable, Parameter, Enum]
Number Type The data type for the converted string.

Allowed Context Scope [Fixed]
Allowed Values[Signed Number, Unsigned Number]

Warning An exception occurs when the Start Index value is less than zero.


The ActionStep returns the following results:

Result Contains the converted string.

Allowed Context Scopes [Fixed, Local, Global]
Allowed Context Types [Variable, Parameter]

Example 1 (Modify a string value of a variable and added to another variable):

This example changes the string value of the local Quantity variable with Text as a data type to a signed number. The result of the conversion was then added to the local Stock Count variable with Number as a data type.  The result of adding the variables is then output via Write text.

See other Conversion operations:

To Lower
To Upper