XenoGuard Documentation


ActionStep Reference » Programming » String Operation » Range » Length 

The ActionStep Length counts the number of characters of a specified string and stores the number count in Result of the result list.

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  1. Open the Programming node in the Workspace Explorer.
  2. Open the String Operation node.
  3. In the Range node, select the Length ActionStep.


The ActionStep has the following input parameters:

String The string whose length is to be checked.

Allowed Context Scopes [Fixed, Local, Global]
Allowed Context Types [Variable, Parameter, Enum]


The ActionStep returns the following results:

Result Contains the length of the string.

Allowed Context Scopes [Fixed, Local, Global]
Allowed Context Types [Variable, Parameter]

Example 1 (Validates the length of a string in a variable):

This example checks if the number of characters for the local Access Code variable with Text as a data type is equal to the specified string length. The result is passed to the If flow control statement and is then output via Message Box.

See other Range operations:

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