Here you will find definitions of the technical terms we are using in the present documentation. We tried to link them from everywhere in the documentation but please feel free to consult our glossary any time you are unsure about the meaning.
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Some of the terms in the glossary may have a different meaning outside of this documentation. Therefore, it is particularly important that you check their definitions. |
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Main XenoGuard Concepts
For your first acquaintance with XenoGuard and to facilitate your understanding of XenoGuard's architecture, you should make yourself familiar with a few selected concepts and read their definitions in the following order:
See ActionStep.
In XenoGuard, an ActionScript, also known as a script for short, is a sequence of ActionSteps and a representation of a task, process or workflow.
An ActionStep (or action) is the smallest automation unit that cannot be further subdivided. An example of an action is an instruction to copy a file from one folder to another. The actions can be somewhat more complicated at first glance, for example searching for a character string in several files. ActionSteps play a central role in XenoGuard.
With the Application Programming Interface (API), programmers can access the data and functions of the software and make them usable for their own purposes, for example for control, data processing, and automation.
A piece of software.
Automated Tests
See Test Automation.
A branch is an execution path within an ActionScript. These branches are activated when XenoGuard executes loops or makes decisions. The actions within a branch are regarded as a logical group and executed accordingly from.
A bug is a failure that causes the application either to stop working or throw unexpected results.
Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) is an important concept in modern software development. It also encompassed a wide range of practices that allow achieving the ultimate goal: a gap-free delivery of software releases and smooth maintenance of existing software. CI/CD is often referred to in combination with the software development lifecycle. CI/CD ensures that the cycle is never interrupted by applying automation to testing and deployment.
In a programming language, the context defines an area in which certain identifiers (e.g. variables), but also functions and methods have their scope of validity and can be used. XenoGuard distinguishes between two contexts local and global. The local context refers to an ActionScript, while the global context text refers to the entire workspace. As a result, global variables can be used in all scripts.
Context Identifier
See Identifier
Context Scope
See Context
Data Type
In programming and data processing, the data type refers to the properties that data objects have in common and that enable certain operations to be carried out with them. The data type also qualitatively defines the range of values that the data object can have. XenoGuard supports several data types, including Text, Bool and Number.
A dictionary is a collection of key-value pairs, also known as an associative array. Each entry in a dictionary consists of a unique key and an associated value. The key serves as an identifier through which the value can be retrieved. Dictionaries are used to store and access data efficiently, especially when fast searching, insertion, and deletion of data elements based on keys are required.
An extension adds new ActionSteps to XenoGuard and extends the existing range of functions. You can develop your own extensions with Microsoft Visual Studio and using C# or purchase additional extensions from our website. You will need the Plus or Premium version for this.
The graphical user interface (GUI) is a kind of user interface that enables interaction between a user and a computer program by means of graphical elements.
An identifier is a name that can be assigned to a data type, a variable, an ActionStep or an ActionScript. To avoid confusion, identifiers must be unique within the scope of the context in which the identifier is valid. The identifier name can consist of a combination of numbers and letters. In XenoGuard, spaces are also permitted as part of identifier names, which increases readability. Some identifiers are fixed and cannot be changed, for example the names of ActionSteps. In XenoGuard, the term identifier is also used as a synonym for a specific data container type, as it also uniquely designates this (variable, parameter, result, enum).
IntelliRun® is a feature for Premium users that allows you to use a time slider ler to play back the execution of the ActionScript at any speed forwards and backwards. IntelliRun allows you to zoom into the execution, visualize and check data processed by an ActionStep at a specific point in time.
A list in XenoGuard is an ordered collection of text elements. It allows for flexible addition, removal, and searching of entries. Each element within a list is a text string, which simplifies the handling and manipulation of sequential datasets.
In XenoGuard, logging is a process of tracking everything that happens during the execution of an ActionScript.
Parameters serve as arguments for ActionSteps, but can also contain results when an ActionStep ends. Each parameter has a name and a data type that determines what kind of data can be stored in it. In some cases, ActionSteps return lists of results (parameters). Their names are then indexed, for example, "Result 1" or "Result 2".
In XenoGuard's terminology, a Process is a Windows application that is started by XenoGuard on the same or remote machine.
Regression Test
A regression test is a software test that is carried out to ensure that no new errors have been introduced after changes or updates have been made to a software and that existing functions continue to work as expected. The test aims to ensure that there are no regressions, i.e. no deterioration in software quality after updates. This is achieved by re-executing previous test cases and checking the behavior of the software.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that makes it possible to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks in business processes with the help of software robots or so-called "bots". These bots can support or replace human users in tasks such as data extraction, data entry, document processing and communication between different software applications. RPA aims to increase efficiency, reduce errors and free up human resources for more valuable tasks.
Software is a program that includes instructions and some data in the form of a programming code that tells the hardware what kind of operation to perform. Software pieces can talk to each other using APIs.
In computer science, the term task refers to a single executable unit or process that is executed in an operating system or application software. A task can perform a specific task or function, such as executing a program, managing resources, processing data or performing a specific operation. Tasks can run alongside (in parallel) and are basic units of execution that are coordinated in a computer system to perform different tasks simultaneously.
Test Automation
Every piece of software or IT system must undergo thorough testing before being deployed in a production environment. Each new application or release version is subjected to a series of manual and automated tests. Automated tests consist of programmatic scripts that interact with the application or system under test to verify that it functions according to requirements. These tests typically generate logs that record the details of the test execution
User Interface
A user interface (UI) is the part of an application that enables users to interact with the application. It includes the screens, buttons, menus, and any other elements through which users communicate their actions to the application and receive feedback.
Variables are storages for information that can be used as input in multiple ActionSteps and ActionScripts. Variables help to automate data entry saving an entry for further re-use. Variables can be defined locally and globally. Local variables are only accessible within one ActionScript, whereas global ones can be accessed from any ActionScript as long as they originate from the same workspace.
A workflow is a systematic sequence of ActionSteps that are executed in a specific order to achieve a specific task or goal. Workflows are often used to structure and automate complex or recurring tasks in an organized and efficient workflow. They can be used in various areas such as business processes, software development development, data processing and many other application areas to increase efficiency and productivity. Workflows are stored in an ActionScript.
A coherent project that contains all ActionScripts as files, settings, and logs is called a Workspace in XenoGuard. On the hard disk, the workspace uses a single directory in which all other data is stored in subdirectories.